
The Museum of Modern Malware is a pop-up art exhibit demonstrating artistic interpretations of malware and hacking. The curators’ vision is to capture the dark side of technology through traditional, digital, and experimental mediums.

The MoMal premiered at DEFCON 27 in Las Vegas.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DEFCON 28 will not occur this year in Las Vegas.

We are planning to host MoMal II in New York City in late 2020.

You may reach us at contact@momal.art for all inquiries.

The Curators


La Bac

La Bac is an international collective that develops projects that advance values of online consent, privacy, equity and liberty. Founded with the principle of fighting dystopia, La Bac plans to drive technology forward to better protect underprivileged members that technology underserves.

They can be reached at contact@labac.dev.


White Ops

White Ops is the global leader in bot mitigation. They protect more than 200 enterprises—including the largest internet platforms—from sophisticated bots by verifying the humanity of nearly one trillion online interactions every week. The most sophisticated bots look and act like humans when they click on ads, visit websites, fill out forms, take over accounts, and commit payment fraud. White Ops stops them.